Blockchain 'Cache in a Block' Model Animation

Last updated: 2024/03/19

Same as usual cache system, when appending the last blocks as a block.

Mainly, this model explains the cache architecture of single node on MPLedger, but can be applied for many other blockchain architecture.
Local cache layer is omitted, and only illusts Global Cache.

This model would be efficient if the blockchain architecture is leader node indepenednt.
In other word, is really distributed-concurrent computing model.

Estimated Elapsed time: 0ms


Transaction Executor

Read/Write Key Set


Global Cache

Read Key Set

Variable Value

Blockchain Ledger

New Block

Last Blocks

Load Transactions Batch:
Load Last Blocks:

Manual Data Input

To Do

  • ‼️ Implement 'Run Next Block'
  • ❗ Reset the state when click the preset button or update button, when it is not before 'Run Next Block'
  • ‼️ Implement concurrent batch processing model
  • ‼️ Support Forest batch for illustrate concurrent processing in a single node
  • Prettify HTML and CSS
  • ❗ Add more operators.
    Currently, can support binary operators only like '+', '-', '*'.
  • ‼️ Support multi command in a single transaction
  • ❗ Automate ID assign or remove ID assign for transaction of batch